- A group of CNLs from Maine Medical Center and Portland Oregon along with James Harris and Michael Bleich at the San Diego AACN/CNL Summit in 2008 spoke to CNLs at the conference to inquire if there was an interest in establishing a CNL professional organization. There was an enthusiastic response, and contact information was collected.
- A group of 12 CNL’s formed a proposal committee. James Harris and Michael Bleich served as advisors to the group. The proposal was submitted to AACN and was declined.
- The Proposal committee was disbanded and a ‘Steering Committee’ was formed with 12 CNLs . Some of the original proposal committee members included James Harris and Michael Bleich as advisors. From there, ICNLA’s mission, vision and goals were formatted. The proposal was reworked, submitted to the AACN and was accepted. A ‘By-Laws’ sub-committee wrote the by-laws from a copy of Sigma Theta Tau and the outline of the ICNLA structure was formatted.
- A Board of Directors (BOD) was outlined consisting of officers and an Advisory Board. All BOD members were given a vote and a quorum was set at 5 to prevent a lock out or a tie. All decisions require a minimum of 5 members to vote. Any expenditure over $1500 requires a BOD vote.
- Member categories were identified and the future structure of ICNLA regional chapters was classified.
- Established yearly requirement of a BOD approved budget and a BOD approved yearly strategic plan.
- Outlined election process.
- Elected the first officers from the ‘Steering Committee’
- Web site developed
- Established annual meeting to occur at the annual AACN/CNL summit.
- Presented a functioning structure of the ICNLA at the 2009 AACN/CNL Summit in New Orleans. The organization planned to start officer elections in 2010 and launched the following member activities:
- Launched the first CE presentation in September 2009.
- Established a quarterly newsletter.
- Established CNC discounts for CNC products.
- Partnered with AACN for administrative assistance and a ICNLA cost center was established.
- Planned to submit a 501(c)3 application.
- Plan to partner with AACN until 2013.
- Decision to extend current officers for one year with the first election of officers in 2011. The BOD felt that the ICNLA was in its infancy and a change in officers may be detrimental. At the annual meeting in San Diego, the membership unanimously voted to extend the current BOD positions.The following key developments occurred since that decision:
- The VA offered to sponsor a ICNLA Conference.
- The BOD determined that a regional conference would not compete with the AACN national conference.
- A regional conference would reach CNL’s who could not attend the national conference. The ICNLA Conference would focus on developing a ‘Tool Kit’ for practicing CNLs and CNL students.
- The first ICNLA regional conference in partnership with Maine Medical Center in Portland Maine was held.
- ICNLA independent from AACN with our own accounts.
- Administrative assistant purchased from the CNC. Five-Year Plan approved by BOD.
- Other developments:
- Annual meeting in Miami.
- BOD recommended changing the current VP position to a ‘President Elect’ position. Unanimously approved by ICNLA members.
- 501(c)3 status obtained.
- First election for new President Elect and Secretary position completed delayed due to required membership vote and first process.
- New officers installed May 2011.
- Second annual ICNLA Regional Conference in partnership with USF held in San Francisco June 2011.